Why is regular maintenance of your rotary screw compressor important?

Like all compressor types, rotary screw models do require periodic maintenance. Thanks to the simplicity of the internal components, maintenance is relatively easy on most rotary air compressors. As long as you stick to a rotary screw compressor maintenance schedule, you will likely be rewarded with many, many years of optimal productivity from your machine.


1. Save Time and Money

When you stick to a screw compressor maintenance schedule, you reduce the risk of system downtime at unexpected intervals. With routine checkups, you can spot potential problems the moment they arise, before they get out of hand and grow into more serious issues. The earlier you identify a problem, the easier and less costly it is to remedy. In many cases, a problem detected early can be rectified in a few minutes with no money spent.

Routine maintenance also saves time in the long run. In any industry, system downtime is costly and time-consuming. The time that a compressor remains down and inoperable is productivity lost. Even just a few hours of downtime can result in untold losses. With regular air compressor maintenance, you lower the risk of costly downtime.

2. Prevent Emergency Repairs

One of the biggest risks of an irregular air compressor maintenance schedule is the chance of sudden, unexpected emergencies. If you only inspect your compressor on occasional, irregular intervals, you are not keeping track of how it performs on the inside. Even if the compressor seems fine on the outside and was purchased within the past few years, there could still be internal issues taking root that you are liable to miss if you only perform inspections on an infrequent, irregular basis.

In a worst case scenario, your compressor might stop functioning for reasons that could be hard to pinpoint. Consequently, a diagnosis could be even more time-consuming and costly. With consistent, periodic maintenance, you can pinpoint issues early and have them remedied almost immediately.

3. Improve Your Compressor’s Life Expectancy

When you stick to a rotary screw air compressor maintenance schedule, you can extend the compressor’s life expectancy. Over the years that you use the machine, you could ultimately get a better return on your initial investment by inspecting the compressor on a regular basis. As with any motorized machine, an air compressor will generally last longer when it is well-maintained and inspected according to a strict schedule.

Routine maintenance can also help you turn your initial investment into an enormous return. If and when the time comes that you finally replace the machine with a newer model, the old compressor will have likely yielded a fortune regarding productivity.


Ash Air can help you with your Rotary Screw Compressor needs

We keep more than a hundred compressors on stock in New Zealand in the range from 5.5HP to 100HP. Chicago Pneumatic and ALUP rotary screw compressors are manufactured in Europe and offer modern design, proven technology, and reliability. Air Compressors are available as the full feature with integrated dryer, with variable speed drive, tank mounted and other features. We also offer oil-free spiral and water injected compressors for food manufacturing, hospitals, and laboratories. Chat to our experts, we will help you to answer questions about what can you use the compressor for, what compressor is the best and learn about air compressor efficiency. You can view our rotary screw compressor range here and check out our Parts & Services pages for your compressor servicing requirements.

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Who we are and how Ash Air can help your business!

Ash Air has been around in New Zealand since 1979, and we’ve grown into a nationwide company with international support and a reputation for quality and reliability.We look after all things compressed air for your business!

Ash Air's range of Chicago Pneumatic, Alup, Pneumatech, and Quincy compressors are used extensively around the world in industries ranging from oil and gas to food, automotive and farming, and we bring you these world class compressors here in the land of the long white cloud.Our technicians are compressed air equipment experts and are dedicated to addressing customer needs. Supported by a 13 locations nationwide, Ash Air offers one of the widest selections of compressed air equipment and parts available today in New Zealand.

Reliability and Efficiency

With Ash Air compressors, you can count on reliability and high performance for even the most demanding applications. We focus our efforts on the following:

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Read more in our #Expert Corner

Just like any other equipment, a compressed air installation also requires the necessary maintenance work during its entire lifespan. Even though maintenance costs are only about 5 to 10% of a machine's annual operating costs, failure to budget for maintenance can have potentially disastrous consequences.

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A common questions asked is why do I need an air dryer for my compressor? Typically, air compressors produce water, and although the water can be drained, there can still be aerosol and vapour droplets that are present. This is because water cannoet be compressed. Water can damage your compressor by corroding the valves, pipes and machinery controls, which will cost you time and money to resolve. In the long run, the cost of a new compressor is a small price to pay compared to the loss of production that could potentially arise due to water damage in your compressor.

Air compressors can fail for an assortment of different reasons: Normal wear and tear, lifespan and age of the unit, poor maintenance, power surge, install issues are just a few the come to mind. Check out this blog to find out our top 7 tips to ensure your compressor is looked after! 

That cold, rainy, and in some places icey New Zealand winter is upon us, and with the following air compressor tips, your air system will be prepared with the preferred temperatures, despite the weather outside. Regardless of whether or not it actually snows or freezes up where you live, most winterisation service recommendations are also basic, solid maintenance procedures that will help extend the life and operational efficiencies of air compressors regardless of whether you live in Queenstown or Northland.

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Air Compressors are essential tools in a variety of industrial settings. No matter what industry you are in having a reliable air compressor can be a crucial part of getting the job done efficiently. However, like an investment, air compressors require upkeep and maintenance, and eventually will need to be upgraded. But how do you know when it’s time to upgrade your air compressor? Here are some things you need to consider.

When it comes to laser cutting and other industrial processes, the choice of assist gas is crucial in achieving optimal results. Nitrogen and oxygen are commonly utilized as assist gases, each with its own unique properties and applications. Understanding the characteristics of both gases, will help you to make an informed decision to ensure precision, efficiency, and cost-effectiveness in your operations.

Mobile air compressors are portable, towable compressors particularly useful for applications that suit the construction and roading industry! You'll often see a mobile compressor being used for sandblasting, irrigation blow-outs, and for quarrying tools such as pneumatic block cutters and rock drills.  

Did you know that Chicago Pneumatic helped man land on the moon? Notice in this photo of the Apollo 11 landing what appear to be "soccer balls" on top of the capsule. They were inflated through a compressor specially developed by Chicago Pneumatic for NASA.

Your company purchased an air dryer for your compressor, now where should you install it? One of the most common things we see in the industry are air dryers being stored on top of the compressors. Seems like a wasted space not being used on top of the compressor, right? Wrong.

When using air compressors, there are many variables that are integral to the quality and effectiveness of your compressed air. When dryer air is necessary, being able to constantly and accurately monitor dew points can be a critical factor to your operation.

Compressed air plays an integral role in breweries both large and small around the world. From start to finish, all details in the brewing process are managed in fine detail and having the right air compressor is no exception.

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Air compressors are helpful for an enormous range of applications such as air filling, packaging, tools, HVAC control, and more! One possible drawback is the amount of electricity they use; air compressors can be a huge drain on energy if used ​inefficiency... 

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It’s no secret – air compressors are excellent sources of energy. Not only do they power essential manufacturing elements and applications, but the heat generated as a result of the compressed air processes can be used as a byproduct that offsets other energy costs. However, there’s another form of energy that is also a consequence of the air compression process – sound.

The emergency stop, "e-stop", is for true emergency situations only. When hitting the e-stop, all power is halted from the machine and the unload process isn't achieved. The emergency stop button is intended to help with possibly hazardous situations that are developing. Common conditions of having to use the e-stop is the misuse of the equipment in ways that weren’t intended, predictable failures not addressed or failing to consider all the foreseeable uses of the compressor.

We've put together a list of tips for working safely with air compressors in your environment! We recommend that you always read owners manual before running your compressor. The number one cause for repairs and personal injury is improper use. You've got to remember to use eye protection and hearing protection when operating your air compressor and try to avoid using air compressors in a wet area. 

Air Compressor Installation Tips Installing Your Reliable Air Compressor

So, you've just bought an efficient and reliable ALUP air compressor? Welcome to the world of compressed air. As your partners in compressed air, we will continue to assist you along your journey. We have provided air compressor installation tips to ensure you get the most out of your air compressor. 

Air dryers remove any condensation from the air compressed by your air compressor. Questions about them? Find answers to the most frequently asked questions here.

Selective soldering with nitrogen is an essential process in the production of printed circuit boards (PCBs). It is used for bonding components to PCBs that could otherwise be damaged if exposed to a lot of heat. Another area of application are mixed-technology circuit boards with layout constraints. 

Hydrogen is becoming increasingly important as a promising clean energy carrier – especially with a view to a more climate-friendly future. But have you ever wondered what hydrogen actually is and how it is produced? In this article, we look at the basics and technologies used to produce hydrogen and what makes hydrogen a special element.

Your passion is vinification, ours is air compressors. 

Compressed air accounts for a large amount of energy consumption in the wine production process, especially in the production of grapes. A big part of wine-making is a result of the work of equipment and is dependent on its efficiency. An air compressor should be located in well ventilated, shaded areas, out of direct sunlight. This includes the inlet for the compressed air system which should be located away from heat sources such as the compressed air outlet, refrigeration or air conditioning plant and equipment.

Cutting, shaping, drilling, and finishing, compressed air is critical for any machine shop. Shops rely heavily on the compressed air system to assist in a variety of operation processes. Commonly the parts produced are used in the machine industry, car industry or even the aircraft industry. A traditional workday in a machine shop requires the use of air compressors to generate an intermittent or continuous source of pressurized air. What machines commonly require compressed air in the shop?

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